About Cogitaas
Cogitaas is derived from Latin ‘Cogito ergo sum’, meaning – ‘I think, therefore I am’. At Cogitaas, we provide customised solutions for business problems arising from marketing, finance and sales. These solutions directly address issues faced by senior management whether in terms of strategic initiatives or intelligent systems for business processes. We begin with a business ‘issue’ and end with a business ‘benefit’. We stay the course – are committed to supporting our solutions until the business issue is solved. We use statistics, mathematics, marketing science, economics & econometrics to support optimal decision making. We identify ‘optima’ in decision science.

Key Products
MMM Plus Plus
The Problem: Marketing Mix Modelling or MMM has become standard practice in many large corporations to determine their marketing investments. However, this is a partial approach and falls short of becoming a comprehensive marketing strategy tool.
The Solution: What if there exists a framework that combined the ROI, brand equity and brands key attribute drivers along with spends on marketing levers to enable informed decisions and gain competitive advantage?
The Problem: Research shows that spending on trade Promotions, is the fastest growing marketing expenditure for consumer goods companies and the second highest expense line right after Cost of goods sold. In spite of that, In-Store Trade Promotions or TP, is often a black box for sales mangers as they do not have a precise idea about what returns a particular trade investment would bring.
The Solution: At Cogilabs, we have created a product through which scientific analysis of trade spend effectiveness can be performed at the required level of granularity across different kinds of markets in all continents.
Distribution Optimizer
The Problem: Research has shown that distribution is often the most important driver of growth for consumer goods companies. However, Business managers get limited decision support from existing marketing strategy tools as far as Distribution is concerned.
The Solution: At Cogilabs, we have created a product which links the effects of (trade and non-trade investments) and assortment to Distribution and Share Among Handlers or SAH, that eventually drive share.
RTM Optimizer
The Problem: Direct servicing of retail stores is very important along with other marketing investments like TP, CP and Media. However, Business managers get limited decision support while trying to make the optimal coverage model between directly serviced stores and Wholesalers.
The Solution: CogiLabs has created an analysis framework that sets out optimal direct coverage reach levels for any market.
Cogitaas Around the World
Cogitaas at ARF NY & California presenting ‘Brand & Equity Pricing – Pepsico’s Performance Power’; Award winning paper co-authored with PepsiCo
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